Samuel Abraham

B2B Technology Brand Storyteller & Entrepreneur

 Technology writer, content marketer, thought leadership manager and media producer focused on  Singapore and Asia Pacific


B2B  enterprise technology marketing, thought leadership management, content  strategy,  content development, content marketing program management and
business & technology journalism & editorial management.

About Me

Senior business and technology editor, brand storyteller, and enterprise technology thought leadership and content marketing manager with 20 years of senior management experience in the US, UK, South Asian, Southeast Asian, and Middle Eastern markets.

 ☆ B2B content marketing leader and thought leadership manager who helps companies punch above their weight with targeted, actionable, & data-driven insights and content

B2B thought leadership & business & technology editorial experience with top global IT majors including IBM (in-house), & TCS, Wipro, Dassault Systemes , Lumen, & ServiceNow (clients), and the Indian (The Economic Times), British (New Statesman - online), & Middle Eastern (Khaleej Times) media

Good at giving meaning to enterprise software and defining and communicating the value propositions of niche products, services, and solutions to global audiences using modern storytelling techniques

Brings a publisher's mindset to tech marketing and a marketer's mindset to media

Combines rhetoric and argumentation acumen with technology marketing nous and globally bench marked writing skillls to help multinational firms and enterprise software companies differentiate products, solutions, services, and  brands.

 Good at producing, refining, calibrating, and disseminating insight-rich messages to build  mutually beneficial communities around multinational, B2B companies and niche media organisations

Believes that each piece of marketing or
editorial writing should have its own value proposition  a clear and original insight 
without which it is just noise among a lot of noise. I obsess over details & assiduously edit any text laid in front of me

Robust record in recruiting, building, mentoring, managing, and scaling technology content marketing, thought leadership, and editorial  and content teams with diverse skill sets

Distinguished mentor for writers – wards have  gone on to build successful careers at global news organizations such as Reuters as well as at prominent media publishing houses

Avid student of rhetoric, persuasion, and modern propaganda starting with the early Greco-Roman masters to St Augustine of Hippo and to the modern doyens of propaganda and rhetoric from John Milton to Edward Bernays and the postmodern practitioners Cass Sunstein, Max Boot, Bret Stephen, Anderson Cooper and others. The best propaganda is always presented  as helpful advice and is indistinguishable from marketing, entertainment, and news.

Latest Work

Customer Engagement - What APAC CMOs Think - Braze Singapore Event E-Book

With the introduction of new technologies like generative AI and intelligent data-driven marketing tools, theories abound on how to get customer engagement right in APAC and what marketers in the region should or should not do. However, what are the thoughts of actual
marketing, product and CX leaders in APAC and the chief marketing officers about the challenges and opportunities and best practices in customer engagement in APAC in this regard?

Braze Travel Survey Report 2023 - ASEAN Travel Survey Report - E-Book

Whether it’s frequency of communication, or the number of deals or loyalty programs, travel brands that understand the pulse of the consumer appear most likely to succeed in ASEAN markets. A survey conducted by Braze, a global real-time customer-centric interactions and engagement SaaS company, and Singapore - based Jicara Media among avid travelers in the ASEAN markets clearly delineates the where, what and how of brand communications to make it easier for ASEAN travel brands to build their marketing communications strategies on the right assumptions.

Can Low Code and Citizen Developers Accelerate DX in APAC? -Frontier Enterprise - Feature Article

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for digital transformation (DX) to enhance organisational resilience against market and technological disruptions. However, companies in the Asia-Pacific region face a persistent shortage of technology skills, particularly as they transition from DX 1.0 to DX 2.0.
According to a recent IDC report titled “Enterprise Automation to Mitigate the Digital Skills Shortage,” around 60% to 80% of organisations in APAC find it difficult to fill vacancies in IT roles, exacerbating the the challenges to achieve strategic business agility through DX in the post-pandemic world.
Consequently, enterprises in APAC are increasingly relying on low-code and no-code (LCNC) application platforms. These platforms enable organisations to expedite product and service launches whileallowing for swift modifications to applications based on specific business requirements, with minimal disruption to operations.

Unleashing The Benefits of Virtual Twins in Rail - Dassault Systèmes- Thought Leadership Article

Sustainability lies at the heart of rail revitalization and resurgence. Dassault Systèmes’ value proposition for enhancing rail efficiency and promoting sustainability is centered around the concept of the virtual twin experiences. Rail operators can consolidate documentation and operational data to create an integrated view of rail operations by using virtual twins.

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Featured Work

Explore a featured selection of my writing work below.

Virtual twins: Visualizing the future of cities - Dassault Systemes Thought Leadership Article

With just a fraction of their annual budgets, cities with populations of 200,000 or more can afford to make the best decisions on issues like flooding or rising sea levels using virtual twins. City officials can thereby deliver clear value to their citizens and political hierarchy, particularly in sustainability initiatives, while alleviating pressure on themselves

Healthcare DX in Singapore: How to optimize the end-to-end patient experience

The digital transformation (DX) strategies of Singapore healthcare firms have focused on introducing incremental improvements to patient customer experience (CX). However, the top-down and bottom-up forces at work in the Singapore healthcare sector today mandate transformation of the end-to-end customer journey and overall patient CX as an immediate priority over incremental improvements.
The Healthier SG initiative announced by the Singapore government in early 2022 envisions the complete transformation of the national healthcare system with patient centricity 1 at its core. A differentiated patient CX is an essential building block of a patient-centric healthcare system. Moreover, the increasing consumerization of healthcare demands Singapore healthcare organizations build platforms that keep superior and intuitive patient CX at the center of care delivery.

How to accelerate digital innovation: ‘Transform, Simplify, Secure’ is key - Lumen APAC Blog

Since 2021, leading businesses in Asia Pacific (APAC) have been undertaking digital transformation projects at an accelerated pace. However, many of them in the region are struggling to initiate their own digital transformation efforts. This challenge is compounded by the fact that various technology layers were gradually added to enhance performance and connectivity, resulting in greater complexities, higher network costs, a vast technology sprawl, and difficulties in scaling legacy infrastructure to work seamlessly with modern solutions.
In addition, attack surface has expanded due to increased use of cloud services, digital supply chain and hybrid workforce, compounding to increasing exposure to cyber risks. Many businesses struggle with these complexities without the required security framework. For businesses seeking growth through innovation, all these factors hamper the realisation of achieving the full potential of digital transformation.
Given this technology landscape, where should businesses in the region start to fully unlock the value of their digitalisation initiatives?

Lessons From Edtech Frontlines: The Teachmint Experience - Google Cloud - Event Article

Teachmint needed an open source, flexible, and scalable platform to make the teaching and learning process immersive for teachers and students alike. For Teachmint, Google Cloud was an obvious choice as the platform provided access to the vast Google ecosystem making innovation more accessible. In addition, the startup eyed Google Cloud’s flexibility, ease of use, and the fact that GCP did not require extensive coding in the backend to get an edtech platform live and running in a short time.

It’s Time for India Edtech Startups to Recalibrate - Google Cloud - Event Article

You would think that the Indian edtech market would be saturated, especially with leading companies such as Byju’s and Unacademy acquiring nearly thirty edtech or related companies over the past few years. Yet, there is plenty of room to grow. Consider the unique demographics of India. The General Enrolment Ratio (GER) of India (calculated by dividing the number of students enrolled in primary education between the ages of 5 and 20 years old by the population of the age group) is only 23. The Indian government wants to reach 35.
Edtechs will play a significant role in helping the government achieve this GER number. However, the challenge for Indian early-stage edtechs is that it may be time to rethink their business models.

How to Improve Your Organisation's Security Posture: The Essentials - Lumen APAC Blog

Cybercriminals are resourceful and dangerous enough to compromise even those companies with the highest levels of security, including accounts with multi-factor authentication controls. Cybersecurity risks and weak spots are always lying around in your network, infrastructure, and even in locations beyond the observation of your security systems and processes. Your organisation is as strong as your weakest link. It is essential to build a better, dynamic security posture that proactively identifies and stops sophisticated malware and ransomware threats even as they evolve. That’s how you can See More, Stop More.

5 Signs Your Organisation Needs SASE - Lumen APAC Blog

As the network perimeter expands, organisations are using software to define it. The key question is: How can you leverage the advantages of a software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) while enforcing a consistent security policy when your employees are working from anywhere? This is where Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) comes to the rescue of APAC enterprises that are either still in the infancy of adopting SD-WAN or starting to look for a better approach in securing their WAN.

IFC is Promoting Emerging Markets Green Bonds, Helping Solve ESG Reporting Challenges - Interview

Uptake of Green Bonds in the emerging markets – where they are most required – is low. That’s why the World Bank’s IFC is leading the mobilisation of private capital in the form of Green Bonds to address climate change in the
emerging markets. Jean Marie Masse, CIO, Financial Institutions, IFC, tells us how the institution is promoting Green Bonds while trying to solve a persistent ESG data conundrum that stymies investments in the region.

Transforming Global Travel and Expense Management with Gamification - TCS BPS White Paper

Companies need to take stock of their travel and
expense (T&E) costs since these add up to
unimaginable overheads. We believe a gamied
T&E management system to be a viable solution.
With millennials – who look for engaging and
enriching experiences – making up a majority of
the workforce today, the case for a gamication
solution is bolstered further. And, thanks to the
proliferation of smartphones and mobile apps,
gamied solutions stand a greater chance of
getting readily adopted across the board.
Organizations should therefore deploy robust
T&E platforms that are mobile-friendly in
order to cater to the diverse requirements of
their employees, while keeping a tighter
control over expenses

Streamline HR and Reduce Costs Dramatically with Wipro’s BPaaS solution- Edited - Wipro Brochure

HR is shifting from systems of record to systems of engagement in its IT model with increasing adoption among the small and medium enterprises. Business Process-as-a-Service (BPaaS) offers “HR Platform and HR Shared Services” in a unified, comprehensive package which dramatically reduces overall HR costs and compliance risks.
BPaaS significantly reduces HR IT costs because the software/hardware maintenance and support are handled by the BPaaS service provider. All the risks associated with IT platform are managed and borne by BPaaS service provider. Additionally, the operational expenses of an HR back office is significantly lower when you deploy HR shared services under the BPaaS service model.

Optimize the Business Value of your SAP Investment - IBM BPM & SAP Campaign Flyer

SAP implementations involve huge costs and many hours of employee training. There are high expectations regarding the benefits of the implementations. According to Panorama Consulting, only 50 percent of enterprise resource-planning users realized more than 50 percent of the benefits expected from their ERP implementations.1 When you use SAP applications for ERP or other targeted business functions, the key question you face is: how do I ensure that I am getting the most out of my SAP implementation?

How the GCC Nations Leapfrogged the World in 5G Implementation-IF Feature

There is a lot of hype around the world with regard to the telecom players’ 5G roll out plans and the intention of enterprises and countries to leverage the benefits of the technology. With regard to early 5G implementation, one region seems to have stolen a march over the rest of the world in terms of speed of execution and achieving the most mass coverage – the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. How did the region overtake the rest of the world?

The Impact of China's Slowdown on Global Steel Prices - GEP Thought Leadership White Paper

China’s stopped growing at break neck speed. That’s the new normal. As a result, Chinese steel demand peaked and cheaper steel is flooding global markets. Globally, free-falling prices and rising anti-dumping duties on Chinese imports are the order of the day. With these new dynamics, steel sourcing and category managers face several key questions:
• When will prices bottom out?
• Is it time to renegotiate contracts?
• How much inventory to keep?
• Procure steel from China or source locally?

IBM Business Process Management for SAP Implementations - IBM BPM & SAP Campaign Technical White Paper

By using packaged enterprise applications for efficiency, you are just trying to catch up with the competition. To outpace the competition, you have to focus on process innovation.
For driving process innovation, you would require capabilities to discover and monitor processes, change processes quickly and identify which process changes are likely to positively impact business performance. Most SAP processes are non-differentiating. However, to gain a competitive advantage, you must differentiate. Additional tools and techniques that can complement your SAP implementation are often necessary to differentiate. When you consider the costs and effort that go into your SAP implementation, it is preferable to avoid further disruptive, multiyear technology investments to obtain the potential value of your SAP implementation.

Future of CX-Why Delivering on the Promise of Hypercare is Key - WNS Thought Leadership POV Article

When did words such as ‘love’ and ‘care’ become so intrinsic to business discussions? Not too long ago. As customer behavior changes like quicksilver, ‘care’ is now innately connected to Customer Experience (CX). Delivering CX in today’s environment means proactively exceeding expectations by testing new ideas and quickly pivoting when required with the customer at the heart – the new paradigm of hyper-care.

AsiaCollect Proves Debt Collection Can Be Intelligent Instead of Intimidating - Fintech - IF Interview

Debt collection in Asia typically involves small time agencies using hostile calls and physical confrontation to get debtors to pay back their loans to banks and other financial institutions. Since long, this field has been bereft of innovation. Asking someone to pay back his or her loan is never easy. At the same time, each unpaid loan represents a near-perfect one-to-one opportunity cost. The bank, financial institution or fintech could have used the same money to lend capital to another consumer who might have repaid it promptly.
Non-performing loans (NPLs) are a threat to both a financial institution’s bottom line and everyday operations. Introducing radical innovation in the loan recovery process is a Singapore fintech startup, AsiaCollect, which is trying to eliminate hostile physical action by using a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution and specialised services that leverage data and artificial intelligence (AI). AsiaCollect’s CEO and Founder Tomasz Borowski tells International Finance in an exclusive interview how the fintech intends to digitally transform the regional debt collection industry which has been bound up with strong legacy practices.